Introduction To The Wizard’s Secrets

Call For A Free Advice about our Spiritual Training & Introduction To The Wizard’s Secrets

Call our Head Office on 0151 678 3358 or call Claire Hegarty on 07714853524

We Work All Over The UK

clairepicmoanWhy would you want to attend Introduction to The Wizard’s Secrets?

Would you like to experience more magic in your life? Have you always had an interest in spiritual or esoteric areas and never really found a way to bring these areas into modern day living? Maybe you have had an experience of something un explainable and would like to find out more? Have you experienced Reiki or other energy systems and are keen to find out how they work and how you can work with them?

Maybe you have read various spiritual and esoteric books and have found what you have read really interesting and are not sure yet how to put this into practical day to day life? Do you feel that there is something holding you back in life and are not quite sure what that is?

Do you like the idea of living a more “magical” life although not quite sure how to make that happen?

Where ever you may be currently in your life, if you have an interest in learning more about magic, the unknown and the unexplainable both to verify your past experiences and to be able to tap into this to create more of what you want in the future then the WSI is the weekend for you

What will you learn and experience?

You will be guided through Time Line Therapy ® techniques to enable you to remove past and present mental and emotional blocks and barriers to your success and also remove any limiting beliefs like “Im not worthy”, “Im not confident”, “I cant create the success I want” and also then learn how to programme your future how you want it to be

You will experience working with and learning how to flow energy, connecting and working with the different elemental energies such as fire, air and water and how you can apply them in day-to-day life. Connecting and working with these elemental energies will bring benefits to your life such as increased clarity of thinking, emotional balance, increased drive and motivation and much more

You will be guided through a very ancient and powerful meditation process called “The Meditation on the Light” which will dramatically deepen your experience of meditation and closeness to Transcendence

We discuss in detail the 3 minds and the 7 bodies and how they link into “auras”, so you can connect more with your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self

You will also get to experience some very ancient chants which are chanted in what we call “root languages” where the meaning of the words is carried in the vibration of the sounds, meaning that you will be able to experience the meaning of the chants even if you don’t understand the language they are chanted in

You will learn a very powerful process called Ho’o Pono Pono to enable you to gain completeness and forgiveness in all of your relationships past and present

You will also experience a “Higher Self Connection” also known by many as the “Great Work” where you connect with your Higher Self known and believes to be the “true you”, the mind that has the strengths and abilities to be able to manifest all that you want in your life

How do we do this?

The Introduction to The Wizard’s Secret is a mixture of teaching and practical exercises, where you will be guided through various different techniques and then also have the opportunity to practice applying the techniques in exercises to enable you to experience the very tangible and powerful value of everything you are learning over the two days

What if you attended The Introduction to The Wizard’s Secrets?

What would happen if you chose to attend the Wizard’s Secret Introduction, as well as being able to clear blocks to your true self and your true capabilities you will also be learning and experiencing many magical and esoteric techniques to enable you to have more of those magical experiences you so long for in life… will also then be able to attend the Wizard’s Secret Intensive trainings where you gain an even further insight and knowledge to all of these areas to also then learn how to be able to work with these techniques for both yourself and others

To find out how you can book your place, please call our Head Office on 0151 678 3358 or call Claire Hegarty on 07714 853 524, you can also email us on and quote WSI in your email

© Claire Louise Hegarty and Emperor Training Solutions Ltd